*welcome to the creatormate dataroom. here you’ll find information about creatormate, our team, progress, and much more. raised €200K so far ***🌱

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/78bcb4d4-c895-4feb-a275-c8d77abcbdfa/34567735-8417-4a5b-bf74-b7f51d0b8610/updated_logo.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/78bcb4d4-c895-4feb-a275-c8d77abcbdfa/34567735-8417-4a5b-bf74-b7f51d0b8610/updated_logo.png" width="40px" /> what is creatormate?

we’re the place where people become creators. offering a team to build, grow & manage your community


👇 start by watching our video sales letter (also shown on our website)


↓ click through the different tabs to see the other information about creatormate.

Quickstart links

Want access to the complete dataroom? → Get in contact with us

<aside> ☝ Any questions about the above?

[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Creator%20Mate%20Data%20Room) 📞 +31 6 45744227 🤝 Or schedule a call via Calendly 🌐 www.creatormate.com


With Digital Regards,

Team creatormate
